
Welcome to xKWAD

First of all; Welcome everyone!

If you’re reading this, then you’re probably interesting in or you’re curious about our products. We won’t bore you with the details of our new website or the products we offer because you would have already seen that to get to here today. What we will bore you with (well hopefully not), is some details about xKWAD.

xKWAD was founded to bring to life a new way of utilising old frame parts to build a new one.


When we say a “new” we are not referring on building an identical new frame from your old parts but to build a different model in style/look and in flying characteristics. Imagine that you can transfer parts to a new frame model and not have to buy the full complete frame KIT! Imagine for a moment if a new xKWAD frame is about to get released and you only need to purchase the top and bottom plate because you already have parts sitting around from an old xKWAD frame! Imagine that happening!

Well, that happened and you’re reading about it!

Currently there is no modular parts out there that can be used to build more than one frame style, because that is kind of impossible to be designed. When adding different characteristics to a second frame design it starts to get complex and difficult to match parts from the first frame. It was difficult enough for us too to match parts for two frames but we have done it for three and we are not stopping here!

You may think this is not an innovation it is just a clever way to re use old parts and yes, you are absolutely right! We are not after any award or special recognition, we just thought this could be a good idea for an FPV pilot that can benefit from a cheaper way of building new frames or re build one from old parts that are sitting around!

So do yourself a favour and pre order one now that the price is reduced and join the xKWAD family. We will not stop here, we already have the next series of base frames lined up for testing and release!

We are also giving an additional 5% discount on your first purchase of one of the HADRON frames if you subscribe to our newsletter.

So for now, we send you a farewell until our next post. If there’s something on our website that catches your attention or if there’s anything else you want to know about our products, then just contact us and we’ll be more than happy to go through your questions with you.

Just remember to keep your eyes on this space or in our social media pages for more exiting news.

From all of us here in xKWAD, we’ll see you soon!

The xKWAD team

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